

""Ayurveda", is a way of life and a science of healing. It is the oldest medical science developed for the holistic health of a person – combining one’s physical, mental and spiritual wellness. Ayurveda has scientific basis which stands competent even today. It is believed that the knowledge of Ayurveda was attained as a boon from God through Sages who spend their lives in long meditation and prayers. Scripts gave us evidence that Ayurveda prevailed in India in BC period. Ayurveda helps a healthy man to stay healthy and an unfit or diseased man to regain health. Self realization will lead one to the way and style of Ayurveda the”Indian science of life”. Etymologically the term Ayurveda is a combination of two Sanskrit words 'AYU' and VEDA. 'Ayu' means span of life and 'Veda' means unassailable knowledge. So Ayurveda means the knowledge of life. The ultimate objective of life is to attain Moksha (Heaven) For this Ayurveda is essential. The 'Ayu' in Ayurveda is a combination of sareera (body), indriya (organs of perception), sathwa (mind) and athma(soul). A man can leave a happy life only if all these factors are healthy. Ayurveda helps to heal, regain and maintain health for a happy life.

Objectives of Ayurveda.

Swasthsyaswasthyasamrakshana Athurasyavikaraprasamana,

i.e. to maintain the health of a healthy one & to cure the disease of a diseased one.

Basic concept and Principles of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is based on Thridoshasidhantha(Vatha, Pitha, Kapha) and Panchamahabhootasidhantha (Pridvi/ Bhoomi - Earth; Jala/ Ap - Water Thejus/ Agni - Fire Vaayu / Anila - Wind Aakaasa - Space)

Life of a man in his perishable body is a union of body, organs, mind and soul. Body consists of or is made up of five basic elements know as PanchaMahaBhooda. They are Akasham, Vayou, Aggni , Jalam and Bhoomi (space, air, fire, water and earth).This five elements form a combination of ThriDoshas (three Doshas) three primary life forces or biological humors Vatha ,Pitta and Kapha which controls the functions of the body.

Vatha = Akasham + Vayou, Pitta = Aggni, Kapha = Jalam + Bhoomi. A balanced combination of the Three doshas is essential for a healthy life. Any imbalance among the Thridoshas causes unhealthiness, diseases and ailments to the body.

The imbalance of Doshas can be cleared and rectified by Ayurveda. Ayurveda revives, rejuvenates and heals by balancing Thridoshas. Ayuredic system of food supplement medicines and Therapies eliminates all the toxic imbalances from the body and helps to regain immunity and good health. If the imbalance is slight, it can be balanced easily with Shamanakriya (Calming Process) and if the imbalance is severe, the client should go for shodhanakriya( Cleaning Process) ie. Panchakarma
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